Professor Tas Qureshi
Professor Qureshi offers laparoscopic surgery for all forms of hernias. He performs in the region of 3 every week, having performed many hundreds in his time. He has been asked to run a laparoscopic hernia course for other consultants
Inguinal Hernia repair

Ventral / incisional hernia repair

Gallstones are a common problem in the Western world and can be the cause of severe pain and serious complications. Professor Qureshi is able to offer laparoscopic and robotic removal of the gall bladder.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Professor Qureshi is the Lead Surgeon for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). In view of the complex nature of IBD and the multiple treatment strategies, Professor Qureshi retains close links with the gastroenterologists. This is to ensure the timing of surgery is optimal, when all ‘non-surgical’ options have been exhausted.
Haemorrhoids/Rectal Bleeding
Haemorrhoids are the most common cause of bleeding from the back passage. Patients may also experience discomfort, itchiness or even prolapse outside the anus, all of which can be particularly distressing and troublesome. Once more sinister causes have been excluded and a confident diagnosis of haemorrhoids has been made, appropriate management of this condition can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life.
Newer techniques such as transanal haemorrhoidal de-arterialisation (THD) and Haemorrhoidal artery ligation (HALO) are far less painful with excellent results.
Professor Qureshi offers both techniques.

Endoscopy / Bowel Cancer Screening
Professor Qureshi performs many every week. As well as performing the procedure to investigate rectal bleeding and to screen for bowel cancer, he performs therapeutic endoscopy and is able to remove polyps without the need for major surgery.

Diverticular Disease

Bowel Resections
Since his arrival, Professor Qureshi has championed the totally laparoscopic approach for the resection of bowel cancers. He is the Lead Laparoscopic Surgeon and has the highest volume practice locally.
Professor Qureshi discusses all his bowel cancer patients at a specialist ‘Multi-Disciplinary Team’ meeting. This ensures that all aspects of cancer care are considered, psychological, medical and surgical.
Professor Qureshi’s holistic approach is reflected in the consistently high satisfaction scores in the regular surveys of his patients.
The following video demonstrates the surgical princples of operations on the bowel, but shows the the traditional open method. Professor Qureshi performs these operations using key-hole techniques, either with the Robot or laparoscopically
Colon Resection

The following picture is of Mr Qureshi performing a laparoscopic bowel resection, avoiding large incisions shown in the video.

Endometriosis represents some of the most challenging laparoscopic surgery. When Professor Qureshi was appointed to Poole, he was quickly asked to replace the existing General Surgeon and invited to become part of the ‘Dorset Endometriosis Centre (DEC)’ as the Lead General Surgeon. The success of the DEC has been recognised by national accreditation.
Some patients who have had previous surgery can be affected by debilitating chronic pain as a result. They have often been labelled as suffering from ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and have been on long-term pain killing medication.
In some instances, the pain may be as the result of adhesions (scar tissue) formed as a consequence of previous surgery. Professor Qureshi offers a service to help decide if the pain could be due to adhesions. Although there can be no guarantees, he can offer key hole surgery to divide the adhesions in the hope that it will provide relief of symptoms in some patients.